
Wyświetlanie postów z styczeń, 2024

Our works

 Now we are thinking about organizing the Water World Day in our schools. We thought that we can combine it with project promotion in our schools, playing our common games and STEAM projects. It can be both engaging and relaxing.

Leaflets distribution

 In December, just before Christmas time we managed to distribute our leaflets about the environment protection. We handed them out in our neighbourhood. We wanted to make people more aware of the climate change. It was a very responsible and useful task. By the way, we also found out a lot and started wondering what we do well and what we should change in our daily routine. It was a good lesson for us.

Our meetings online

 In December we had two meetings - one on 14th for our students and the second one on 22nd as an evaluating meeting, only between teachers. Both of them were really fruitful as the kids had fun to ask questions about our Christmas traditions and at the same time they found out a lot about the other customs. We also evaluated our progress, and managed to define the further goals and steps.  That's great as we have new ideas and solutions to meet our deadlines.